Manual retrieval of data from the Yahoo Finance site


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Automatic import Manual import


To manually download files from the site Yahoo Finance fill in the seek bar on top of the page(see fig. 27) with the official ticker of your stock. In the example here I take "SOLB.BR".

Fig. 27  Seeking a stock on the Yahoo Finance page.

Then, select "Historical Data from the smaller menu under the green horizontal line.

Fig. 28  Selecting "Historical Data".

If it suits you to have only one month of data (e.g. if the automatic load accidentally missed a ticker) then skip this step and go immediately to the download step. In the frame that appears choose "Time Period" (fig. 29).

Fig. 29  Selecting "Time Period".

A small window pops up permitting you to determine your own period. If it is the first time you download a given stock why not choose "Max" which will provide you with all the data in Yahoos possession. Don't worry data will get duplicated, the program takes in account only data that has not been inserted previously. Behold, the date formats are DD/MM/YYYY.

Fig. 30  Defining the "Time Period".

If you have determined a time period then be sure to click the "Apply" button, otherwise by default you only will get for a month of data (which is the case when downloading automatically). Then click "Download Data" and your download will start. You'll obtain a file which name is the ticker symbol with the suffix ".csv" (comma-separated-variables) added. In our case this will be a file called "SOLB.BR.csv". These files can be imported in any spreadsheet program like "Excel" and "Open Office calc".

Fig. 31  Start the download.

If you obtain your data somewhere else than Yahoo then make certain that you imitate the same format. Only the rows "date", "close" and "volume" are taken into account, the other columns are ignored, so you can leave them blank. Just make sure that they occupy the same position in your .csv file (1st, 5th and 7th column).